Software Solutions
Online Solution
- FBX is an online Scouting Solution. There is no software to download or install on your computer or tablet
- If you have an internet connection, you have access to the FBX Database and thereby all your work, and team/association requirements
Flexible Contracts
- FBX deals with each Team or Person individually depending on needs. We have over 20 options to choose from.
- The Data you enter into the FBX System is your data and can be exported to Excel at any time
Update Log
- FBX Users have access to a detailed log of bug fixes and improvements
- Every Day FBX Users have access to view the Leagues (NFL, CFL, XFL, USFL etc) where we have updated player transactions
Accessing FBX on phones
- FBX is not currently designed to work on phone size mobile devices, but some of the large screen versions behave like tablets and our software runs as expected.
- A new software update coming in September 2022 will allow users to work on smaller screens
Software Features
Create Scout Reports
- Easily Find Players in our Database with Multiple Search Parameters
- Create a scout report
- Using the Digital Scout Report with pre-defined criteria by position. Use the Drop down to grade the player on these criteria to create a player grade
- Using the Standard Scout Report forms to enter Positive, Negative, Summary as well as Grades or comments about the player
- Use Both Methods to create both a digital and Standard Scout report on the player
- Share your report with other scouts or team management
- Search your or your teams reports by Grade, Position to quickly find players of interest
Create Player Notes
- Easily Find Players in our Database with Multiple Search Parameters
- Create a Note on Player
- Copy and Paste Notes from the Internet or Create them from scratch using our interactive notes board.
- Share your notes with other scouts or team management
- Search your or your teams Notes by Date or by any individual scout
Historical Data HWS
- All Player Heights, Weights and Speeds are saved for Historical Viewing.
Customized Lists to Track Players
- Create a List from any Search of the database.
- Add Players to List with a single click
- Share your Lists with fellow scouts or team management
Export Data
- Export any Data you have created in the Scouting System to Excel.
Email notification system
- Never miss an important player change, you can add Players to Lists that will notify you by email if the players Status or Team Changes.
Agent Information
- The majority of current players have their Agent and Agent Contact information at a single click
Build a Draft Board
- FBX Drag and Drop Draft Board allows you to import lists, players, rosters and create Draft Boards which can be shared with all members of your association
Ask for a FREE Demonstration
- Use our Contact Us Link to request a free demonstration of our software solution